
Siguida Nyetaa

A project focused on environmental protection through the promotion of economic services and income-generating activities

Project description
Siguida Nyetaa

The project strengthened the capacities of actors in the Sikasso region for the protection and management of natural resources.

Areas of intervention: Sikasso region, Circles of Bougouni (Garalo), Sikasso (Finkolo-Ganadougou), and Yanfolila (Filamana), Mali.
Beneficiaries: Members of Sigida Nyètaa committees, members of women's and youth organizations, local elected officials, traditional chiefs, community leaders.
Funding: Siemenpuu Foundation, Finland.


(787 Millions FCFA)

Global budget

Project goals
Main goal

The project strengthened the capacities of actors in the Sikasso region for the protection and management of natural resources. It carried out environmental micro-projects, organized spaces for exchange, advocacy and lobbying (National Environmental Forum). It also created centers of excellence (villages of Filamana, Garalo, Finkolo-Ganadougou) and rural radios (villages of Finkolo-Ganadougou and Filamana).

The project activities were structured around three fundamental axes:

  • Environmental protection through the promotion of economic services: Income-generating activities, valorization of non-wood forest products, experimentation and sharing of know-how (production/transformation and marketing of local products) at the level of centers of excellence.
  • The creation of an understanding of shared governance on the management of natural resources: awareness-raising broadcasts by Sigida Nyètaa radio stations, exchange visits between centers of excellence and farms, school environmental education, professionalization of local actors in forest surveillance (traditional hunters).
  • The identification/launch of advocacy campaigns for the preservation of the ecosystem: Facilitation of spaces for exchange and discussion on environmental and climate issues at the local, regional and national levels ( National Environmental Forums).