
About us

Mali-Folkecenter Nyetaa is a Malian NGO with more than 25 years of experience in the fight against climate change and the promotion of climate resilience of populations.

Our vision is to contribute to making Mali and Africa peaceful areas where sustainable development challenges are resolved in an innovative and ecological way by proud, conscious and prosperous citizens.


Our mission in Mali Folkecenter Nyetaa has four main points:

Make available to populations, training and capacity building tools in the areas of renewable energies, sustainable agriculture, climate change and green entrepreneurship.

Produce and disseminate information on the challenges and solutions of climate change, access to renewable energies and environmental protection in Mali and Africa.

Raise awareness, mobilize and influence national and international policies in the areas of renewable energies and the environment.

Ensure that young people/women can carry out positive and constructive actions and always remain inspired and motivated by maintaining self-confidence through the activities carried out by MFC NYETAA.

Our activities focus on the fight against climate change, improving the climate resilience of populations and peace and social cohesion in Mali and Africa.

To do this, we focus our interventions on four major areas :

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Climate resilience of populations

We are working to support and build the capacity of women's cooperatives, farmers and young entrepreneurs to find innovative solutions to climate adaptation. We support the sustainable management of forests and pasture lands, the discovery of alternative sources of income and the strengthening of dialogue at local and national level. We lead “ResoClimat Mali” network, which brings together 140 civil society organizations promoting best agricultural and technological practices.

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Management of natural resources and renewable energies

It is essential for us to contribute to the sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, to put in place the conditions necessary to broaden populations' access to clean energy and drinking water, to promote income-generating activities as alternatives to the overexploitation of natural resources. MFC Nyetaa supports and offers innovative solutions for integrated and sustainable management of natural resources based on the commitment and assumption of responsibilities of local communities, the strengthening of their capacities, the promotion of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects and the implementation in place of a sustainable local financing mechanism.

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Youth and green entrepreneurship

We are a leading organization in capacity building and supporting young and aspiring entrepreneurs to implement innovative and green solutions. We support them through our Technopole and resource centers with pre-incubation, incubation, acceleration and networking programs. This includes creating networks with SMEs and startups with technical and financial partners as well as other actors catalyzing change in Mali.

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Advocacy and lobbying

MFC Nyetaa plays an important role in advocacy and lobbying to influence policies and strategies for sustainable development in Mali. We organize public debates and thematic events, and actively participate in national and international conferences to influence political agendas. We also contribute to the development of national policies and strategies and publish articles and in-depth research.

We are grateful to our partners who have supported us along the way.