

Support for RESO CLIMAT MALI: Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives Program

Project description

The Reso Climat Mali Support Program Initiative for adaptation to climate change (PAIRCC) was implemented between November 2009 and December 2013; following an extension, the end of the funding agreement is scheduled for June 2014. This program is part of the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), supported by the Swedish government for the period 2009-2012 for a total budget of 36.5 million Swedish crowns. He presented a first batch of 14 projects implemented between July 2010 and December 2011 for amounts varying between 50 and 100 million FCFA. These projects were mainly located in the south of Mali. An extension was obtained in November 2010 to take into account project start-up constraints, bringing it to December 2012, the end of the first in the same context, a request for additional funding was introduced and approved to help improve the geographical coverage of the country, in particular, including arid regions in PAIRCC actions. To this end, a second batch of 14 projects for a maximum amount of 30 million FCFA was financed, bringing the total number of projects financed by PAIRCC to 28.

Areas of intervention: The entire Malian territory, including the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Ségou, Mopti, Timbuktu and Gao.
Beneficiaries: Members of Reso-Climat.
Funding: Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).


(3 Billions FCFA)

Global budget

Project goals
Main goal

The overall objective of PAIRCC which participated in the 28 projects was to increase the resilience of the poorest and most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

More precisely, the program aims first of all:

  • Promoting initiatives to adapt to the impacts of climate change for vulnerable groups and others.
  • Strengthen the capacities of network members to support vulnerable groups in adapting to the impacts of climate change.

In parallel and in addition to 28 PAIRCC projects, two other transversal initiatives were financed to partly capitalize on the experiences carried out by these projects and create a center to promote and disseminate the experiences of Mali Reso Climat on the adaptation to climate change. These initiatives were funded from December 2011 with a view to documenting experiences and supporting the sustainability of PAIRCC's actions.

PAIRCC projects involved in the resilience of vulnerable rural populations, including those for adaptation to climate change, were selected based on their compliance with the Swedish ICC guidelines