
Arbre Sel I & II

Sustainable Co-management Program for Forest Resources Around the Yanfolila Protected Area in the Sikasso Region of Mali.

Project description
Arbre Sel I & II

This project contributed to the preservation and reconstitution of biodiversity in Mali through the sustainable co-management of forest resources around the protected areas of Yanfolila in the Sikasso region.

Areas of intervention: Bougouni-Yanfolila protected area in the Sikasso region, Mali.
Beneficiaries: 39 villages in eight (08) communities bordering the complex of classified forests and protected areas of Bougouni-Yanfolila.
Funding: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Norwegian Embassy in Bamako.

Project goals
Main goal

The objectives of the project aimed to promote the the trees as Support for Local Economies approach as a mode of sustainable exploitation of forest resources by stakeholders. The adoption and application of this approach was intended to change the mentalities of users of forest resources from simple harvesting (non-productive picking) to production for exploitation, but also to increase the climate resilience of communities and to improve their living conditions.

The project, as part of the implementation of these activities, focused on the diversification of sources of income through:

  • Adopted new methods for change in mentality for more sustainable use of forest resources
  • Established participatory natural resource management frameworks in 39 villages in the Bougouni-Yanfolila region, leading to the sustainable management of over 150,000 hectares of forest and pastureland.
  • Supported the development of 20 community-based cooperatives in non-timber forest products and sustainable energy, creating income opportunities for 2038 people including 1771 women and 327 men.
  • Facilitated multi-stakeholder dialogues and policy reforms to strengthen the enabling environment for sustainable forest management and local economic development.


Billions FCFA

Global budget


Shea valuation units


Cashew value units


Honey valorization unit and a total area of ​​25 ha set up for 12 market gardening areas for women, security with wire mesh fences